XMU- DBS Cooperation Program
喻海燕 Yu Haiyan
Educational Background: 厦门大学经济学(国际金融学)博士 厦门大学经济学硕士 浙江理工大学工学学士 Xiamen University PhD, Xiamen University MS, Zhejiang Sci-Tech University BEng
Research Interests: 国际金融,在外汇储备管理、汇率制度与外汇市场等方面有较为系统的跟踪研究
Title: 副教授 Associate Professor
Office: 经济楼D222
Email: yuhy:xmu.edu.cn

教授课程 Teaching

国际结算International Settlements

个人简介 Profile

2008-2011年,厦门大学金融系,助理教授 ,硕士生导师

2011-至今 厦门大学金融系,副教授

20178-20188月,康奈尔大学(Cornell University)访问学者。

2008-2011, Assistant Professor, Master Tutor, Department of Finance of Xiamen University

2011-present, Associate Professor, Department of Finance of Xiamen University,

August 2017-August 2018, Cornell University visiting scholar

研究成果 Research Outputs


She has authored 2 monographs and dozens of papers have been published in journals such as "The Economist", "International Financial Research", "Investment Research", "Xiamen University Journal (Philosophy and Social Edition)" and other journals.

主持课题 Projects


She has presided over the National Social Science Fund, Fujian Social Science Fund and horizontal projects.

获得奖项 Awards


She has won the Xiamen University Teaching Scholarship in 2011, 2014 and 2020.
