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Martin Dyke
Educational Background:
Research Interests: 教学革新、教育社会学、终身教育及计算机辅助教学
Title: 教授
Office: 坤銮楼




Martin Dyke,前南安普顿大学教育学院副院长,负责商务及对外交流,现任南安普顿大学教育学院终身教育研究中心主任,厦门大学国际学院客座教授。研究领域包括教学革新、教育社会学、终身教育及计算机辅助教学的广泛运用。他曾在各层级教育机构任教,主要致力研究英国的后义务教育的教学方法。在南安普顿大学教育学院,他主持设计并运作以下项目:后义务教育领域的教师资格证及教育学研究生证书(PGCE)、教育学文科学士学位(后义务教育)、教育实践与革新专业硕士。同时,他担任所有后义务教育项目及硕士项目的项目主管、并负责与当地学院、雇主及海外大学的合作项目。

Martin Dyke was a Deputy Head of the School of Education at the University ofSouthampton with responsibility for Enterprise and External Relations. Now he is appointed to be the directot of Long-life education study centre in the School of Education at the Universityof Southampton and the guest professor of The International College of Xiamen University.Research interests include innovations in learning and teaching, the sociology of education, lifelong learning, widening participation and the use of digital technologies to support learning. He has taught in schools and colleges across a range of levels and subjects mostly in the Learning and Skills Sector of Post-compulsory Education in the UK. In the Schoolof Education he has designed and led the following programmes: Cert Ed and PGCE in Post-Compulsory Education, Bachelor of Arts in Education (Post-Compulsory Education) the Masters in Educational Practice and Innovation. In addition to these roles he has acted as Programme Director for all Post-Compulsory Education Programmes, Programme Director for Masters Programmes in the School and managed the partnerships programmes with local colleges, employers and overseas Universities.
