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谢艳萍 Xie Yanping
Educational Background: 厦门大学外文学院翻译硕士,Xiamen University, Master of Arts in Translation and Interpretation
Research Interests:
Title: 助教 Assistant
Office: 主楼群4号楼509-5
Email: melissa20042022:163.com

教授课程 Teaching

综合英语 Comprehensive English、英语阅读 English Reading、英语口语 English Speaking

个人简介 Profile


Xie Yanping graduated from the College of Foreign Languages and Cultures, Xiamen University in 2016 with a Master' s degree in translation and interpretation. With excellent grades, she won the first-class scholarship of Xiamen University. She has been engaged in English-Chinese interpretation and translation for many years, with translations of over 5 million words, and served as conference interpreter, including the provision of interpretation services for the Indian team during the Xiamen BRICS Summit. She joined the International College of Xiamen University in 2016 as an English teacher, teaching comprehensive English, English reading, English speaking and other subjects. She specializes in customizing teaching materials according to teaching needs and integrating life experience, hot news, popular words and other real-life elements into teaching and she also devises various classroom activities so as to strengthen interaction with students and arouse students' enthusiasm for learning, thus improve their learning outcomes.

研究成果 Research Outputs


One of the translators of Amoy Magic by William N. Brown (Xiamen University Press, 2007)



