XMU- DBS Cooperation Program
杨绮 Yang Qi
Educational Background: 厦门大学管理学(会计学)博士 厦门大学管理学(会计学)硕士 厦门大学经济学(会计学)学士 Xiamen University PhD in Management (Accounting), Xiamen University MS in Management (Accounting), Xiamen University BS in Economics (Accounting)
Research Interests: 国际会计 International Accounting、纳税筹划 Tax Planning、企业并购 Merger and Acquisition
Title: 副教授 Associate Professor
Office: 经济楼
Email: yangyixm:xmu.edu.cn

教授课程 Teaching

高级财务会计Advanced Financial Accounting

个人简介 Profile


Master supervisor in the Department of accounting, School of management, Xiamen University; non-practicing member of the Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants. She won the second prize and the special prize of "innovation award of teaching activities" in the first teaching innovation competition of College Teachers in Fujian Province, the first prize of the first teaching innovation competition of Xiamen University, the first prize of the 6th Young Teacher Teaching Skills Competition of Xiamen University. She also won the Qingyuan scholarship, the Luyan scholarship and the Deng Ziji scholarship of Xiamen University. In addition, she won the outstanding undergraduate teaching award of the school of management of Xiamen University twice. She was awarded the title of "my favorite ten teachers of Xiamen University in 2020" and the title of "ACCA excellent professional instructor". Four of the undergraduates instructed to participate in the ACCA global exams of "Financial Reporting F7" and "Corporate Reporting P2" have won the first place in mainland China. She was the chief editor of "advanced financial accounting" in a series of excellent accounting textbooks of Xiamen University. She presided over or participated in a number of research projects, and many papers were collected by SCI and EI or reprinted by the copy of newspapers and periodicals of Renmin University of China. Especially, she won the first prize of the 2012 Accounting Excellent Papers awarded by the Ministry of Finance of the People's Republic of China and the Chinese Accounting Society.

研究成果 Research Outputs


[1] 杨绮. 论合并财务报表的合并范围界定——基于我国上市公司样本的统计分析. 厦门大学学报(哲学社会科学版). 2012(5): 116-123.

[2] 杨绮,严晖. 论合并范围信息披露之改进——基于我国A股上市公司年报样本的统计分析. 财会月刊. 2017(16):16-22.

[3] 杨绮. 翻转课堂教学模式在高级财务会计课程教学中的应用. 厦门大学学报(哲学社会科学版). 2018(增刊): 238-242.

[4] GUO, Xiaomei, and YANG, Qi, 2018, “On the Integration of IT System with the Budgetary Control System: Insights from the Case of Wanhua Chemical”, Wireless Personal Communications, Volume 102, Number 4, 3687-3697. SCI/EI


[1] 杨绮,王志伟. 一纸契约下的母子情:从朗玛信息的一致行动协议看合并范围界定问题. 中国专业学位教学案例中心入库案例(案例编号202012530198. 2020.


[1] 杨绮,任春艳主编. 高级财务会计(新形态教材). 高等教育出版社,2021.


[1] 基于共享财务中心运营管理的创新创业能力培养模式探索,主持人,教育部2019年第一批产学合作协同育人项目,项目编号:201901188039, 2019-2020.

获得奖项 Awards

[1] 福建省首届高校教师教学创新大赛教学活动创新奖专项奖, 第一, 其他, 其他, 其他, 2021.04

[2] 福建省首届高校教师教学创新大赛副高组二等奖, 第一, 其他, 二等奖, 其他, 2021.04

