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赵凌 Zhao Ling
Educational Background: 英国莱斯特大学(硕士)University of Leicester (M.A.)
Research Interests: English Teaching, Media and Public Relations
Office: 主楼群4号楼508-3
Email: lingzhao:xmu.edu.cn

教授课程 Teaching

英语阅读 English Reading

英语写作 English Writing

个人简介 Profile

赵凌,毕业于英国莱斯特大学媒体与公共关系专业。在英期间曾负责莱斯特大学Schools of Media, Communication and Sociology的社交媒体运营工作,负责该学院面向中国大陆地区的招生宣传及中国学生专业指导工作。目前在国际学院负责教授英语阅读和英语写作课程。

Zhao Ling graduated from the University of Leicester with a master's degree in media and Public Relations. During her time in the UK, she was the Social Media Operations Officer for the School of Media, Communication and Sociology at the University of Leicester, where she was responsible for the promotion and admissions of the school to mainland China. She is currently teaching English reading and English writing at International College of Xiamen University.

获得奖项 Awards

2021厦门大学国际学院教学技能比赛 三等奖

Third prize winner of Teaching Competition of International College, Xiamen University (2021)


